
AgentBob ? - What's this all about ?

After several years of experience as an independent IT consultant I thought it would be useful to share my experiences with others. My particular strength is the implementation, customisation and tuning of Oracle and PeopleSoft products. This also includes significant experience in interfacing and integrating with other products and environments. See the Services Offered section.

Yes, you can hire me for your PeopleSoft implementation, maintenance or upgrade. I am available for new projects in most of Europe, part-time or full-time depending on my current work.

Any feedback is very welcome, also feel free to send questions... I don't promise anything though ! If you register you can also leave comments and subscribe to existing pages to be notified of updates. In addition to publishing and sharing some of my experience I also use this website to record things for myself as (currently) unpublished contents - but I will release things from time to time when I think they are ready.

A long and winded story has led to calling this www.AgentBob.info and the pig-logo - too long to explain here - anyway, to avoid any mis-understanding: I am not acting as an agency for free-lance consultants or any services or products.

Recent Updates

NameVersion Creation TimeActions
www.AgentBob.info9/17/10, 2:43:53 PMshow
Useful Links1/8/09, 6:35:24 PMshow
Die Treppe1/8/09, 6:17:39 PMshow
Clients4/12/08, 11:29:51 PMshow
Contact & Legal4/12/08, 11:29:22 PMshow
Services Offered4/12/08, 11:29:06 PMshow
Install Sun Java Advanced Imaging (JAI)11/19/07, 1:06:31 PMshow
Configure your own logcheck ignore rules11/19/07, 12:44:11 PMshow
Import private key and certificate into Java Key Store (JKS)7/27/06, 6:43:24 PMshow
Display Debian Distribution in Aptitude6/29/06, 7:24:40 PMshow